China’s 18,000 km of coastline is home to 40 percent of the country’s population and half of its cities, contributing 60% of the national GDP. At the same time, coastal wetlands of mudflats, mangrove forests and seagrass beds are critical habitats for millions of migratory waterbirds, protect cities and communities from sea-level rise and storm surges, and provide other ecosystem services.

In recent decades, as much as 60% of China’s coastal wetlands have been lost. That is why, since 2014, the Paulson Institute has partnered with Chinese government agencies, research institutes, and NGOs to promote wetland conservation and restoration. Together, we developed the first national blueprint for China’s coastal wetlands conservation. Since the release of the Blueprint Report in 2015, the Chinese government has implemented a ban on further coastal wetland reclamation and secured the inscription of key sites for World Heritage status.

China Coastal Wetlands Quarterly News Bulletin October-December 2021
China Coastal Wetlands Quarterly News Bulletin July-September 2021

Policy Research and Advocacy

Wetland Conservation Strategy and Priority Actions in the Yellow River Basin

The Yellow River Basin is a critical eco-region and an important economic zone in China. With only two percent of China’s river runoff, it provides water for 12 percent of the country's population and 15...

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On the Ground Demonstration

Conservation and Restoration of Luannan Coastal Wetlands

Luannan coastal wetlands in Hebei Province, in the north of Bohai Bay, are a high priority for conservation. They consist of natural intertidal mudflats, aquaculture ponds, and salt pans. Its unique geographic location and wetland...

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Capacity Building

China Coastal Wetland Conservation Network and Management Training

Partnering with State Forestry Administration and World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the Paulson Institute established a network of 35 national level coastal wetland nature reserves in 11 coastal provinces. The Coastal Wetland Conservation Network will promote...

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