Monitoring of Ecological Environment and Migratory Waterbird Resources in Tianjin Beidagang Wetland

Beidagang Wetland in coastal Tianjin is one of the most important sites for migratory waterbirds along the East Asia-Australasian Flyway. More than half a million birds of 276 species, including many classified as vulnerable or endangered on the IUCN’s Red List, rely on this site for staging, breeding, and wintering habitats.

In 2016, the Paulson Institute, Binhai New District Government of Tianjin Municipality and the Convention on Wetlands Management Office of China signed a Framework Agreement for Cooperation. This agreement aimed to “improve the environment of Beidagang, protect its ecosystem functions and biodiversity, and make Beidagang a model for Tianjin’s eco-civilization demonstration.” In July 2017, Beijing Normal University was commissioned to begin a project to monitor the ecological environment and migratory waterbird resources in Tianjin Beidagang Wetland.

The project seeks to understand the status and dynamic changes of migratory waterbirds and their habitats in Beidagang Wetland, to train professional wetland monitoring staff, to strengthen public participation in protection, and to achieve the conservation, restoration and sustainable management of Beidagang Wetland.

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