About Us
Our Mission
The Paulson Institute is a non-partisan, independent “think and do tank” dedicated to fostering a US-China relationship that serves to maintain global order in a rapidly evolving world.
Our Vision
Working together as a diverse team of experts, we deliver solutions that contribute to a more resilient and sustainable world. We believe that our work on issues of consequence for US-China relations and beyond will have lasting significance for the health and prosperity of generations.
Our Approach
Who We Are
Founded in 2011 by former Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson, Jr., the non-partisan Paulson Institute is based in Chicago with offices in Washington and Beijing. The Institute’s diverse, multicultural staff brings deep experience to its work from the highest levels of business, government, conservation, policy, and research. The Paulson Institute is a non-partisan, independent, privately funded “think and do tank” not supported by or connected to any government.