Michael Sheren is a Senior Advisor within the Bank of England. In his role, he provides counsel to senior bank management on matters concerning governance, banking supervision, and policy, as well as research relating to the financial markets.
On behalf of the UK government, Mr. Sheren co-chaired the G20 Sustainable Finance Study Group with China. Correspondingly, he is actively involved in domestic and international green finance activities including bilateral negotiations related to the UK’s Economic and Finance Dialogues with China, Brazil, and India. Mr. Sheren is also actively involved in the Bank’s fintech and digital finance work in the UK and Europe.
Prior to joining the Bank of England, Mr. Sheren spent more than twenty-five years in the debt capital markets where he specialized in structuring, distributing, and trading debt for major global financial institutions in New York and London.
Mr. Sheren holds master’s degrees from Harvard, The London School of Economics, and New York University where he studied finance, economics, philosophy, and public policy. He also holds a bachelor’s degree from George Washington University.