Building strong leadership and management capacity is the foundation of the success of China’s national park system. The Paulson Institute works with partners to provide tailored training programs for Chinese decision-makers, managers, practitioners, and researchers. PI also arranges international symposiums to share best practices. Capacity building and knowledge sharing will help China to develop a world-class system of national parks.
Since 2015 the Paulson Institute, in cooperation with our Chinese partners, has jointly hosted three international symposiums on national parks in China. Experts from Australia, Brazil, Canada, South Africa, and the United States shared their knowledge and experience with hundreds of Chinese decision-makers, park managers, and researchers.
From 2016 to 2018, the Paulson Institute organized a series of training courses in the U.S focusing on significant aspects of the national park system, including governance, legislation, planning, management policies, and daily operation. A total of over seventy representatives from relevant ministries and pilot national parks have participated in the training.
The Paulson Institute will continue to work with partners in the U.S to conduct more systematic and targeted training courses for the Chinese decision-makers and park managers.