Straight Talk with Hank Paulson
Rahm Emanuel discusses his start in local politics, the difference between working in the Clinton and Obama administrations, his tenure as Mayor of Chicago, and the US-Japan relationship.
The Paulson Institute is a non-partisan, independent "think and do tank" dedicated to fostering a US-China relationship that serves to maintain global order in a rapidly evolving world.
Our Green Finance Center promotes market-driven solutions to support China's transition to a low-carbon economy.
Learn MoreOur in-house think tank decodes China's economic arrival with incisive analysis, expert insights, and creative research products.
Learn MoreOur conservation efforts are based on the idea that economic growth need not come at the expense of environmental protection.
Learn MoreWorking to facilitate a productive US-China relationship, these initiatives center on convening experts and industry leaders to devise realistic, market-based solutions that promote low carbon growth in China.
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